Friday, February 20, 2009

It's not easy to fight for Culture of UNESCO Site

Tampaksiring - MI: Minister of Culture and Tourism, Jero Wacik, said his departement still contend that three important cultural site in Bali is recognized as a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage.

"The culture area of the site consists of several objects, including Pekerisan River, Pura Tirta Agung Empul in Tampaksiring, and Pura Gunung Kawi. But certainly not easy, therefore we are keep on try," he said, in Tampaksiring, Bali, Sunday (15 / 2).
Jero Wacik in Pura Bale Agung Tampaksiring assistance to submit a set of gamelan gong (gamelan full) for the local indigenous community villages. Gamelan gong that has long be expected by the local community so that more sustainable activities berkesenian.

Menyempatkan self Menbudpar also play drum and advanced visible during the two accompanying dances, and Sekar Jagad line. Since boyhood, Jero Wacik own drum and learn menabuh instruments karawitan on tabuh arts master in the village, I Wayan Dibya.

If a cultural site is officially recognized by UNESCO, he said, Indonesia uses for the more obvious. "Efforts will be the better pelestariannya, planned, and sustainable. That is why we constantly memperjuangkannya," he said.

In addition, Jero Wacik also asserted, the existence of the Information Center of Majapahit (PIM), which is being built in Trowulan, East Java, but rise to controversy, is also very important for the nation's historical inheritance.

"History records, two of the nation on the great era of Sriwijaya and Majapahit. This is an important inherited," he said.

In addition to PIM, will also be built in the Garden of Majapahit who supported the concept of modern information technology systems, including internet access system, an integrated digital tools, equipment and space that is made similar circumstances at the time of Majapahit in situ. (Ant/OL-03) =

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