Friday, February 20, 2009

It's not easy to fight for Culture of UNESCO Site

Tampaksiring - MI: Minister of Culture and Tourism, Jero Wacik, said his departement still contend that three important cultural site in Bali is recognized as a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage.

"The culture area of the site consists of several objects, including Pekerisan River, Pura Tirta Agung Empul in Tampaksiring, and Pura Gunung Kawi. But certainly not easy, therefore we are keep on try," he said, in Tampaksiring, Bali, Sunday (15 / 2).
Jero Wacik in Pura Bale Agung Tampaksiring assistance to submit a set of gamelan gong (gamelan full) for the local indigenous community villages. Gamelan gong that has long be expected by the local community so that more sustainable activities berkesenian.

Menyempatkan self Menbudpar also play drum and advanced visible during the two accompanying dances, and Sekar Jagad line. Since boyhood, Jero Wacik own drum and learn menabuh instruments karawitan on tabuh arts master in the village, I Wayan Dibya.

If a cultural site is officially recognized by UNESCO, he said, Indonesia uses for the more obvious. "Efforts will be the better pelestariannya, planned, and sustainable. That is why we constantly memperjuangkannya," he said.

In addition, Jero Wacik also asserted, the existence of the Information Center of Majapahit (PIM), which is being built in Trowulan, East Java, but rise to controversy, is also very important for the nation's historical inheritance.

"History records, two of the nation on the great era of Sriwijaya and Majapahit. This is an important inherited," he said.

In addition to PIM, will also be built in the Garden of Majapahit who supported the concept of modern information technology systems, including internet access system, an integrated digital tools, equipment and space that is made similar circumstances at the time of Majapahit in situ. (Ant/OL-03) =

Bali Tourism

Tourism in the area of Bali is the most advanced and developed, but still more likely to develop more modern. This area has a diverse tourism, nature tourism good, tour history and cultural tours. Nature tourism, for example, include 47 tourism, such as the panorama in Kintamani, Kuta Beach, Legian, Sanur, Tanah Lot, Nusa Panida, Nusa Dua, Karang Asem, Lake Batur, Danau Bedugul, Sangieh Nature Reserve, West Bali National Park, and Garden Sea island of Menjangan.

Tour includes 83 cultural tourism, such as a tour of art in Ubud, a site sacred Tanah Lot, Jimbaran in Barong ceremony and various places and art galleries that many now appear in several places on the island of Bali. Cultural tourism is developing very rapidly, especially with many works of art produced by painters and pematung from Bali. Price paintings and sculptures made in Bali, the price can reach tens to hundreds of million rupiah. In fact, there are some bule painter who has long lived in Bali, such as Mario blank, Arie Smith, Rudolf Bonner and so forth.

Similarly, tour history, you can see various historical kingdom as some of Karangasem, Klungkung and Buleleng. Potential of tourism in Bali that have contributed to foreign countries and local income native Bali, is still more potential untukdikembangkan forward again. Denpasar city has a strategic and facilities good enough in terms of services trade, and have international airports, should be used for various purposes such as tourism and international trade.

Data foreign tourists who visited Bali in 1997, according to the BPS, reaching 1,230,316 people. In 1998, the number of foreign tourists decreased slightly, ie, only 1,187,153 people, or down 3.51% compared to 1997. while the number of domestic tourists in 1998 is estimated to reach 300,000 people. The tourists that come from some countries, such as the United States, Canada, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, UK, Germany, France, Thailand, and so forth. The number of hotels across Bali to 1998 there are around 90 unti, rooms with a capacity of 14,626 units. In addition panoramanya beauty, tourist attractions in Bali, among others, are also influenced by the uniqueness of art and cultural, including religious rituals Hindhu of the majority of Balinese people, and the hospitality of the people there.

Since mid 1980s, began to develop in the Bali tourism lembanh canyon and river. One of the pioneering tour this cliff is I Wayan Munut, who bought land in the cliff edge, next to a bungalow built. Then it became ngetrend in Bali until now. The land price at the beginning of 1980 in the valley or ravine is only Rp 125000-175000 per are. Now the price of land has reached hundreds of cliff million rupiah per are. In fact many foreign tourists who love (like) tour canyon, valley, and this river.

Dwelling place of the current tune foreign tourists in Bali Hotel is built in caster cliffs or cliff, which provides for its magical atmosphere penghuninya. If in 1970 until the 1980s, the hotel is at the seaside inn that they gemari, has now been changed. Wisman many more happy menyepi or enjoy a spiritual tour. Because of the beautiful variety of the objects of tourism in Bali, the image (image) more popular than the Bali Indonesia, in the eyes of foreigners. And this means that dollars are still flowing to Dewata Island.